Engaging with Disability Organizations and Community
This presentation will help organizations to become inclusion allies by engaging in community partnerships.
Inclusion Strategies from Disability Organizations: A Discussion Panel
Disability organizations participated in a panel discussion to share strategies to promote inclusion in recreation and physical activity programs.
Featured organizations: National Ability Center , TIRR Memorial Herman, Lakeshore Foundation, Higher Ground Sun Valley, Turnstone
Hosting Inclusive Indoor-Outdoor Programs
This presentation will provide tips and considerations when making adaptations to outdoor equipment, recreation, and sports programing.
Disability Education
There are over 54 million American’s living with a disability. People with a disability are a largely underserved population, often this is due to a lack of knowledge on how to reach, address, and serve these individuals. This presentation will look at the definition of inclusion and what that means for effective communication. This session will provide inclusive recommendations when interacting with individuals with sensory, intellectual, and physical disabilities.
How to Host an Inclusive Event
Currently 1 in 4
people in the United States has a disability. That means no matter the size,
location, or topic of your event, you are most likely serving individuals with
a disability. The goal of all organizations should be to host inclusive events
that allow all individuals, including individuals with a disability, the
opportunity to participate fully in the event. However, organizations often
define inclusion and accessibility in many ways leaving individuals with a
disability with an unclear understanding of what will be provided for them and
the amount of access they will truly have. This toolkit will provide guidance
on how to best serve the needs of all individuals in any event setting.